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Chloë Thomas, global eCommerce leader, praises UniFida

“For the last 18 months I've been helping a retailer improve their customer acquisition and retention through a wide variety of projects. That's meant I've had the pleasure of getting to grips with the UniFida system.

I really do mean pleasure - I've been in eCommerce for over 15 years and it's been great to finally be able to understand what's influencing our new and repeat purchases (including both on and offline marketing activity). Being able to segment those results by pretty much any criteria we want has enabled us to improve our testing plans for the future much faster than we otherwise would have been able to.

What's made the tool particularly powerful is that although 90% of what you want is there out of the box, customising for the last 10% has been very straightforward. Which means we've been able to bring the insight UniFida gives us into far more projects than I would have ever thought possible.”

Chloë Thomas

February 2021








Chloë Thomas has been working in eCommerce since 2003, learning how to increase orders, up customer retention, and recruit new customers cost effectively. Working with businesses from the high street right down to start ups. eCommerce MasterPlan is the result of Chloë's years of experience, the books, and podcasts have all been created to help eCommerce business owners and marketers solve their marketing problems.

Power Retail (Australia) named Chloë as one of the top 10 eCommerce commentators in the


In 2019 Chloë was named a Top 50 eCommerce and Delivery Influencer in the UK.

Within 6 months of launch, the eCommerce MasterPlan Podcast was already the top eCommerce podcast in the UK.

With her key skill being to take a complex subject and make it easy to implement.
Whether it's Adwords, Automated Marketing, Delivery Strategy - or the whole eCommerce shebang!


Chloë is on a mission to help people avoid wasting opportunities and pouring time, money and energy into the wrong marketing.

After spending 10 years running a digital marketing agency, Chloë now focusing on helping as many eCommerce businesses as she can to solve their marketing problems.

Chloe Thomas.png

To learn more about how UniFida can help you turn data into revenue faster, please contact us.

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